An initial meeting with the client on site enables us to get a true understanding of the project and the needs and desires of its users. A written brief forms the basis for further discussion.
A full topographical survey is usually commissioned from surveyors for each project. It forms the basis for all design work. We also undertake tree and photo surveys, and on larger projects a detailed site analysis survey.
Conceptual proposals
Based on the information gained from meeting with the client, and from the survey and site analysis, we develop conceptual proposals for discussion and further development.

Detailed proposals
We prepare detailed drawings to build and plant the landscape. These drawings will form the basis for fixing a detailed budget for the project.
We work in close collaboration with craftsmen, landscape consultants and surveyors. We provide a set of construction drawings to tendering contractors and advise on selection of the contractors with whom we will work to realise the landscape proposals. We collaborate with clients and contractors to achieve the highest building standards using the most practical and efficient methods. Alternatively some projects can be carried out using an on-site team.
During the construction stage we inspect all work for which we prepare detailed proposals. We can provide either a full inspection service and contract administration, or take a more advisory approach where there is an existing effective on-site team.
Construction and planting may be phased over months or years on larger projects. When this work is completed we hand over the garden for adoption by its owners, but can remain as advisors to steer its growth into maturity.